Singing in a choir is thoroughly enjoyable – you get a chance to sing different kinds of music and be part of a group of people who share the same passion for singing and music – but did you know there are also benefits to being part of one?

Making beautiful music with other people gives you the right balance between practising alone and singing with a group. Here are 5 benefits of singing in a choir:

You can work on your ear
When you’re in a choir, you need to be able to pick out your part from all the other voices, giving you the opportunity to make your musical ear stronger. As a soloist, all you would need to hear is yourself and the music so you won’t be training your ear as much as you would when surrounded by so many other harmonies and voices.

Improved social skills
In a choir, you are generally surrounded by people with similar musical interests or inspirations to your own, giving you the opportunity to bond over them together. Finding something in common with the other choir members will give you a sense of belonging, and thus boost your self-confidence too. And speaking of confidence…

Reduce performance anxiety
Being a soloist on stage can be daunting as you’re alone and everyone in the audience is looking at you – being in a choir means that you are on stage with your peers, helping you to feel more comfortable and reducing your anxiety. This way, you will slowly be able to overcome your nerves by slowly working your way from singing in the choir to auditioning for one of the solos with the choir.

Being in a choir is all about teamwork – everyone working to balance each other out and make one whole beautiful sound together with different voices and harmonies. Unless you’re a soloist, you must blend in with the rest of the choir, and if there are soloists, the rest of the choir must work hard not to overpower them.

Get to know your voice better
When singing in a choir, it can be difficult to hear yourself over everyone else. Of course, singing louder is not the answer to this, so you must monitor your sound based on how it feels. During practice, you may be able to cover one ear to hear yourself better, but this can’t be done during performances, so it’s important to learn how to “feel” your voice rather than simply hearing it.

If you love singing and are looking for a music school in Guernsey, get in touch with School of Popular Music today. We offer classes and individual tutoring to all ages and levels.

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